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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Oregon 2013 > Beverly Beach sundown
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Beverly Beach sundown

This is the opposing view of Spencer Creek and the beach just before sundown. Gloomy day, but that doesn't make the ocean a less wonderful place! I think the job they did with the arched span over the creek to be a beautiful frame for the view.

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joseantonio28-May-2018 19:51
nice composition and framing.V.
Laura Milholland01-Nov-2013 19:47
Wonderful view! I love how the one tree trunk imitates the arch of the bridge.
Guest 28-Oct-2013 14:12
Beautifully composed image
fotabug28-Oct-2013 11:33
Well done! Love the photo! I remember shooting pictures here
paplvr28-Oct-2013 04:28
Love the pov on this. Nice you are getting out with that RV Linda S
Bea.28-Oct-2013 04:11
Pretty view through the arch.
Ray Dondzila 28-Oct-2013 01:08
Excellent shot, Janis!
graham 27-Oct-2013 23:43
Nice shot Janis
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