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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Olympic National Park > Mora campground river
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Mora campground river

Nikon D90
1/320s f/9.0 at 55.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Laura Milholland21-Sep-2013 17:04
A pretty and peaceful scene.
Ed Duverger19-Sep-2013 12:26
Peaceful place.
Bea.19-Sep-2013 03:19
That's a beautiful river.
graham 18-Sep-2013 22:47
nice shot
momad3004418-Sep-2013 21:44
Beautiful. The fog makes it so peaceful.
fotabug18-Sep-2013 21:33
Looks like a great place for a campground.
Ruth Voorhis18-Sep-2013 21:30
A peaceful scene, so still. Nice sheen on the water.
Guest 18-Sep-2013 20:20
I love atmospheric
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