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Madison Falls Park

On the Elwah River in northern Washington state on the Olympic Peninsula. My stepfather took our family there to scatter my mother's ashes 10 years ago December. I thought it was so cold and bleak, I wouldn't do it, but I wish I had brought them this day. It's a truly beautiful spot with the Elwah on one side of the road and this gorgeous parkland with old maples and cedars on the other. The falls are up a short trail. The falls were rather dark and the Panasonic does not do well with high ISO.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ35
1/50s f/3.2 at 10.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann16-Sep-2013 07:49
Wonderful play of light and shadow.
Laura Milholland15-Sep-2013 22:58
A peaceful spot of nature, well shot.
Ruth Voorhis15-Sep-2013 21:40
Lovely light and mood.
Ed Duverger15-Sep-2013 20:31
A very peaceful and beautiful spot,very well shot.
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