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6 Georgina finished outdoors.jpg

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Ann05-Aug-2013 17:22
Stunning result Janis. I went through the steps, wonderful work.
Guest 04-Aug-2013 13:18
wonderful work. Love the dappling
Ruth Voorhis04-Aug-2013 12:29
Wonderful result of your work, Janis. And appreciate seeing your artistic method.
Ed Duverger04-Aug-2013 09:06
Paul Milholland04-Aug-2013 02:02
Nice result, Janis.
Walt 03-Aug-2013 23:59
Looks almost real. Great forced perspective!
Bea.03-Aug-2013 23:35
This is wonderful Janis, you've done such a great job on the horse, well done.
Laura Milholland03-Aug-2013 23:33
Just beautiful! All the color variations show through nicely.
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