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Livia pastel Art Spectrum colourfix

A pastel portrait of my then 7-year old Cairn Terrier black brindle bitch. Done on Colour-fix paper. Started, thrown out, retrieved then finished just recently. She is normally a sparkling, bouncy girl. Wonder what she is thinking?

other sizes: small medium large original auto
fotabug14-Jul-2013 16:40
I think it is great work, Janis! You captured her personality, I am sure! you are very good! I wouldn't change a thing!
Guest 14-Jul-2013 12:43
That is so wonderful!Your really captured her spirit!
graham 14-Jul-2013 11:26
super work janis
Ed Duverger14-Jul-2013 09:53
Well done.So cute.
Bea.14-Jul-2013 08:06
You've captured her lively personality Janis, I can see that twinkle in her eye.
Ruth Voorhis14-Jul-2013 02:52
Beautifully done, Janis.
Paul Milholland14-Jul-2013 02:28
What a cutie.
parrothouse14-Jul-2013 01:24
Great work!
paplvr14-Jul-2013 01:23
Nice Janis, that hair type must be hard to draw, let alone photograph well. Linda S
Graham P 14-Jul-2013 00:50
Janis, you've certainly captured the essence of a Cairn Terrier which so many artists fail to do and believe it to be an accurate picture of your bitch..
Knowing that many Cairns in America have the wrong shape eye, may I suggest you take advantage of the freedom given by artist's licence and leave out the white of the eye, reduce both its size and roundness and make it more towards an almond shape.
Only passing on that which I would be seeking when looking at Livia's head.
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