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Stephanie | all galleries >> Europe >> England >> Somerset >> Bath > I dare you to drink the water
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I dare you to drink the water

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Pump Room fountain

You can try the hot Spa water at the fountain in the Pump Room. It contains 43 minerals and has a rather unusual taste.
Spa water has been used for curative purposes for two thousand years.
Originally treatments involved bathing in the hot waters, then in the late 17th Century drinking spa water also came to be a recognized treatment for certain conditions.

Learn more about visiting the Pump Room HERE

This concludes my gallery of Bath, England.
It's time to move on to Castle Combe tomorrow! :)

T minus 272....

Canon EOS 40D
1/60s f/4.5 at 28.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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January Grey12-Feb-2012 08:55
drink the bathwater? hah! lovely fountain, nicely captured, Stephanie. V~
Milan Vogrin09-Feb-2012 19:41
Great place and photo.V!
David Hobbs09-Feb-2012 03:56
Interesting info. Well seen and lighting works really well from here. V
Sheila09-Feb-2012 03:11
A wonderful shot of this ornamental fountain.
The water is horrible!
sue anne09-Feb-2012 02:16
Cool and I will drink if I live a long time !
laine09-Feb-2012 01:21
I love natural spa water.. Great looking fountain there
Karen Stuebing08-Feb-2012 22:54
Beautiful fountain. Love the little fish catching the water. I imagine mineral water was the antique version of supplements. V.
Helen Betts08-Feb-2012 20:59
Wonderful capture, and I love that you caught that water splashing off the figure on the left! V.
Colin Storey08-Feb-2012 20:14
Very well composed view of this fountain. v
John Reynolds LRPS08-Feb-2012 19:18
Tried it years ago (as a young boy) and didn't really like the taste! Great capture with excellent detail. V.
globalgadabout08-Feb-2012 18:44
refreshing...although the water in Bath seemed a tad turbid...sharply captured detail...V
Guest 08-Feb-2012 18:21
beautiful image, mostly the water tastes yak,lol.
joseantonio08-Feb-2012 17:30
What a beautiful fountain. Lovely details
Margot W08-Feb-2012 16:20
Even spiders see the virtue of this water.
Lovely fountain with wonderful light.
Walter Otto Koenig08-Feb-2012 15:57
Nice shot of this wonderful fountain. "V"
Blandine Mangin08-Feb-2012 15:56
lovely ! v
Frank Brault08-Feb-2012 15:55
What a gorgeous fountain. Beautifully captured. V
Colin Dixon CPAGB08-Feb-2012 15:52
The fish don't look to healthy lol did you try some? V
Art Rodriguez08-Feb-2012 15:32
Great picture of a nice looking fountain Steph. V!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther08-Feb-2012 15:08
Such an amazing find! Beautifully captured. V
larose forest photos08-Feb-2012 14:35
Beautifully ornate fountain. Love the accompanying text to so many of these photos from Bath. V
Jim Coffman08-Feb-2012 13:39
A very nice image with fine details!
Fong Lam08-Feb-2012 12:55
I think the fish will have a very long life...lovely shot, Stephanie! V
Chris08-Feb-2012 12:50
I understand the taste is dreadful - but no gain without pain!
LynnH08-Feb-2012 12:09
Great light and detail! V
Yvonne08-Feb-2012 10:38
The lighting is just perfect!
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak08-Feb-2012 10:33
GREAT!!! ~V~
Guest 08-Feb-2012 09:59
Splendid photo. Wonderful detail.
Guest 08-Feb-2012 09:50
The dancing fish!!! wonderful, cheers me up! V
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