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Stephanie | all galleries >> Europe >> England >> Somerset >> Bath > Fresh baked bagels
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Fresh baked bagels

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Hard at work in Bath

T minus 274....

Canon EOS 40D
1/320s f/4.5 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Graeme07-Feb-2012 11:45
Great capture of the guy with the sign so immersed in his mobile & oblivious to what the world is doing around him. Great eye, Stephanie!!!BV
January Grey07-Feb-2012 11:26
looks like a starving rock star! what a great job! nice candid catch, Stephanie. V~
Patricia Kay06-Feb-2012 23:38
Fabulous candid Steph...hope his boss doesn't see him...working!!!...BV
Guest 06-Feb-2012 23:03
So very indicative of the next generation.... being paid to do a job that is done half-hearted with little regard to 'pride' in doing a good job.
Chris06-Feb-2012 22:11
Pierre06-Feb-2012 21:57
Une très belle scène de rue! V
Phillip Normanton06-Feb-2012 21:03
That's dedication for you! :)
John Hamers06-Feb-2012 21:00
Wonderful candid !! V
J. Scott Coile06-Feb-2012 20:57
Sold... NOT.
Colin Dixon CPAGB06-Feb-2012 20:56
Ohhhhh more Americana lol Nice candid :)
Pete Hemington06-Feb-2012 20:19
The ubiquitous mobile (cell) phone. Great shot and great hair do
Guest 06-Feb-2012 20:17
Excellent candid!
Ed McConnell06-Feb-2012 20:03
sign of the times...the phone is more important than doing you job..
Helen Betts06-Feb-2012 19:43
I get the feeling it's Go if you want; I've done my job ;-). Nice candid capture!
Colin Storey06-Feb-2012 18:58
Great candid with superb light, you caught the moment very well. v
John Reynolds LRPS06-Feb-2012 18:47
Excellent candid!
Jim Coffman06-Feb-2012 17:51
What a great candid! He seems to be in his own world!
joseantonio06-Feb-2012 17:28
Doesn´t seem too stressed!
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