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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Yellow rose of...... Cape May!
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Yellow rose of...... Cape May!

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Canon EOS 40D
1/400s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso320 full exif

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Tom LeRoy14-Jun-2011 10:32
wonderful light on the rose it lets the yellow shine so softly! Great shot!V!
Yvonne13-Jun-2011 05:48
A lovely ray of sunshine! v
Jackdad13-Jun-2011 04:48
Nicely composed, the background colours of foliage and that purple flower are very pretty as well.
Zoltán Balogh13-Jun-2011 04:35
Wow, so wonderful..and wonderfully captured Steph! V
bill friedlander13-Jun-2011 01:18
Beautiful light on a beautiful flower. So nice to look at. V
Guest 13-Jun-2011 00:55
Beautiful capture and great contrast with nice colors Steph.V
Doug Cruden12-Jun-2011 22:42
The lighting here is just perfect Stephanie, very well done indeed, love it!!
Tom Munson12-Jun-2011 22:32
This is beautiful, Stephanie! Great colors and comp.
Hank Vander Velde12-Jun-2011 22:27
Lovely image Stephanie.
Jean Chiasson12-Jun-2011 21:35
Love the light presentation Stephanie big vote
pascal12-Jun-2011 20:25
Very nice !
sue anne12-Jun-2011 20:07
Beautiful cheerful yellow rose - excellent ! V.
Colin Storey12-Jun-2011 19:40
Wonderful image of this rose, very nice light. v
Johnny JAG12-Jun-2011 19:12
Guest 12-Jun-2011 17:51
wow... so beautiful with the purple blinks too, V
Carol Rollins12-Jun-2011 16:22
This is beautiful, Stephanie. ~
Jim Coffman12-Jun-2011 16:11
Beautiful image,Stephanie! V
Guest 12-Jun-2011 14:29
Fabulous colours and lighting.. V
Art Rodriguez12-Jun-2011 14:25
Beautiful photo and great colors! V!
Blandine Mangin12-Jun-2011 13:01
une très jolie rose ! v
Colin Dixon CPAGB12-Jun-2011 12:50
Wonderful combination of colours V
David Hobbs12-Jun-2011 12:08
A small cup of sunshine. Such cheer.
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