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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Heads or Tails?
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Heads or Tails?

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Sunrise at the Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge - known as the Cape May Meadows - used to be a cow pasture at the edge of the dunes.
The shallow, freshwater ponds and mudflats are one of the neatest shorebird stopover locations along the East Coast.

Canon EOS 40D
1/1000s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Claude Gagnon16-Jun-2011 19:48
Great picture! Very lovely scene :)) Bravo!
Ken Duckert15-Jun-2011 23:18
Great family shot.
Carol Rollins11-Jun-2011 22:23
Love this! Great capture Steph. ~
Dara Su11-Jun-2011 07:13
Wonderful capture!
A happy family shot! V
Guest 11-Jun-2011 06:45
My compliments! An impeccable work! Like the frame and colors and above all perfect timing too! ~V
slhoornstra11-Jun-2011 06:07
Somebody has to find dinner....V
Margot W11-Jun-2011 03:21
Protection from above and below the waterline.
larose forest photos11-Jun-2011 03:16
So very beautiful! A happy, charming image. V
LynnH11-Jun-2011 02:31
How cute is this? Great family photo, heart warming stuff. V
Cindi Smith11-Jun-2011 01:42
Now watch closely, children....this is how it is done. :)
Yvonne11-Jun-2011 01:08
Beautiful capture, the water looks to be quite deep there! v
Graeme10-Jun-2011 22:10
Such a beautiful moment Stephanie.Voted
Karen Stuebing10-Jun-2011 21:54
Bottoms up! This is a really cute photo with mom and dad and the kids. V.
Doug Cruden10-Jun-2011 21:34
Well timed to get this array of swans... :o)
Guest 10-Jun-2011 21:03
Beautiful and peaceful scene.. lovely shot
Phillip Normanton10-Jun-2011 20:24
Tsk tsk mooning the camera - what an example to set in front of the kids! :o)
sue anne10-Jun-2011 20:17
What great activity with the family!
sue anne10-Jun-2011 20:08
What a nice activity with the family!
Tom LeRoy10-Jun-2011 20:04
Fabulous family shot! So lovely and funny! Made my day!V!
Ann...10-Jun-2011 19:56
Swanning n diving!!
Colin Dixon CPAGB10-Jun-2011 18:20
Great capture Stephanie love the chicks V
Johnny JAG10-Jun-2011 18:20
Who's pulled the plug?
Aud Elise Sjøsæther10-Jun-2011 18:18
Beautiful capture! Wonderful light. V
Lee Rudd10-Jun-2011 18:15
looking for fresh weed!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Jun-2011 18:03
Remarkable shot! BV
Colin Storey10-Jun-2011 17:49
Very cute, great timing. v
John Hamers10-Jun-2011 17:27
Fantastic shot of this swan family, the duckies patiently waiting to be nourished!! V
Pat Shawyer10-Jun-2011 16:27
This is so cute, I love the upturned one !
carabias10-Jun-2011 16:20
Realmente bella... BV
Blandine Mangin10-Jun-2011 16:09
c'est vraiment une adorable petite famille ! v
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jun-2011 15:00
Beautiful scene with very nice lighting. Well done Steph! "V"
marie-jose wolff10-Jun-2011 13:42
what a lovely family! V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak10-Jun-2011 12:58
Beautiful scene! ;~}}}
Jim Coffman10-Jun-2011 12:48
Excellent work,Stephanie! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet10-Jun-2011 12:37
Great picture of this family.
CM Kwan10-Jun-2011 12:28
Wonderful capture, Steph! V Have a nice weekend!
Guest 10-Jun-2011 12:24
Lovely capture Steph! V
Guest 10-Jun-2011 12:23
Mom is cooking while dad is diving for food ))) V
zyziza10-Jun-2011 12:07
Nice family shot!
David Hobbs10-Jun-2011 12:03
White swans - to go with my BLACK ones. Nice capture.
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