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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Hunting... Listening...
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Hunting... Listening...

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Sunrise at Cape May Meadows

Canon EOS 40D
1/1250s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
XiaoBernard9928-May-2013 13:45
I am the most beautiful...Well captured
Rick Bricker05-Sep-2011 15:04
Mirror mirror on the wall.Nice reflection shot Steph of this snowy egret.V
meekam tam10-Jul-2011 01:04
Beautiful reflection,Stephanie! V
Ken Duckert15-Jun-2011 23:17
Classic shot. Great reflection!
LynnH11-Jun-2011 02:32
I love how still they are. Great opportunity for a photo! V
Graeme10-Jun-2011 22:10
Superb capture and reflections
princess10-Jun-2011 13:56
Great reflection and composition. Beautiful shot. V.
Fabienne10-Jun-2011 11:08
L'expression de l'oiseau et son reflets ajoute un + à la photo qui a déjà beaucoup d'intensité. C'est superbe.
Julie Tremblay10-Jun-2011 09:28
Beautiful light and reflection! Big V.
Lieve Snellings10-Jun-2011 08:54
greeat image Stephanie ! V
alfredo camba jr.10-Jun-2011 03:17
Simply beautiful! Very nice details and reflections! V
Lee G10-Jun-2011 02:41
A fantastic capture of the big white hunter at work, love the reflection as well!
Guest 10-Jun-2011 00:14
Nice reflection and beautiful shot Steph.VV
Tom Munson09-Jun-2011 22:13
Sharp with a wonderful reflection. Great work, Stephanie!
Karen Stuebing09-Jun-2011 21:51
Stunning photo and reflection. You nailed this difficult exposure. V.
Chris Spracklen09-Jun-2011 21:34
Wonderful work, Stephanie.
A really eye-catching shot with that fantastic pose and reflection.
Marwan Habib09-Jun-2011 21:28
That's a beautiful catch, Stephanie. Love the mirror effect and the square frame. V.
Peter Sussex09-Jun-2011 20:35
Breathtaking capture, elegance, grace, Concorde (that was withdrawn out of aviation) are the words first came to my mind. BV
Colin Storey09-Jun-2011 20:28
Perfect reflections, stunning image. v
Lee Rudd09-Jun-2011 18:50
and feeling with his feet :) lovely egret-portrait
Zoltán Balogh09-Jun-2011 18:36
Wonderful Steph...I like the reflection very much! V
Pete Hemington09-Jun-2011 18:34
Amazing reflection - v well done
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)09-Jun-2011 18:25
My fav. today. Nice work Steph,V
Rosi Blaurock09-Jun-2011 17:40
Great reflection.
Guest 09-Jun-2011 17:38
awesome reflection on this egret, great capture, Stephanie V
goelsamuel09-Jun-2011 17:26
Awesome reflection and superb light! V++
John Hamers09-Jun-2011 16:29
Fabulous capture Stephanie. Reflection and compo are great, V !!
Walter Otto Koenig09-Jun-2011 15:38
Great shot with this pose and reflection. "V"
Tom LeRoy09-Jun-2011 13:21
Awesome shot and reflection! Very BEAUTIFUL!V!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther09-Jun-2011 13:20
Amazing capture! Love the reflections! V
Guest 09-Jun-2011 13:15
Very nice reflection.
Guest 09-Jun-2011 12:14
Great capture. Beautiful colors.
laine09-Jun-2011 10:17
What a superb shot, the colours!!
Roby09-Jun-2011 09:55
nice capture and reflection, V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak09-Jun-2011 08:37
Superb capture! ~V~
Ann...09-Jun-2011 07:54
Poised and ready! Great reflection.
marie-jose wolff09-Jun-2011 07:52
Excellent capture, perfect composition! V
Guest 09-Jun-2011 07:43
Fabulous capture Stephanie.. love the reflection. V
Blandine Mangin09-Jun-2011 07:36
superbe dans cette pose ! v
Colin Dixon CPAGB09-Jun-2011 07:23
Worth the the early morning for the beautiful light v
Yvonne09-Jun-2011 07:10
What a gorgeous capture, so lovely! v
Dara Su09-Jun-2011 06:57
Super reflection. V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal09-Jun-2011 06:40
Fantastic sharp image with beautiful reflection.
David Hobbs09-Jun-2011 06:07
I can see that you have been wandering by the waterside as well. Beautiful picture of a beautiful creature. V
joseantonio09-Jun-2011 05:08
Gerard Koehl09-Jun-2011 04:53
Superbe capture... V
Carol Rollins09-Jun-2011 04:28
Wonderful capture of this super pose and reflection. ~
Carl H. Johnson09-Jun-2011 03:43
Great egret shot......great reflection........water seems a bit deep!!!!
an nguyen09-Jun-2011 02:51
Absolutely breathtaking image .
Gary Hebert09-Jun-2011 02:45
gorgeous pose and reflection Stephanie... a beauty of nature... :-)
Dennis Hoyne09-Jun-2011 02:37
Superb! Beautiful shot.
J. Scott Coile09-Jun-2011 02:22
Low light color rules!
Hank Vander Velde09-Jun-2011 01:38
Nice sharp well exposed image Stephanie.
larose forest photos09-Jun-2011 01:04
Stephanie, this is perfection!! The light, reflection, and the stillness of the egret, are fantastic. VV
bill friedlander09-Jun-2011 01:03
Absolutely stunning! Great exposure, excellent details, and a great reflection. Ace shot. V
Jim Coffman09-Jun-2011 00:30
Super capture,Stephanie!! Great reflection! BV
Raymond09-Jun-2011 00:24
Beautiful shot, great reflection.
Jean Chiasson08-Jun-2011 23:47
Wow Stephanie great catch reflection and timing big vote
Jola Dziubinska08-Jun-2011 23:32
Brilliant capture with reflection, vote.
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