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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Blue-eyed grass
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Blue-eyed grass

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(Sisyrinchium angustifolium)
Thank you for identifying this flower Christine! :)

Cape May Point State Park

Canon EOS 40D
1/400s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
MarcViskens21-Jun-2011 20:30
very nice composed Stephanie
love it
January Grey18-Jun-2011 04:19
beautiful image, Stephanie. Lovely colors & detail! V~
Ken Duckert15-Jun-2011 23:17
This is so dramatic. Great job getting the details on the blossom and keeping everything else muted. Wow!
Karen Stuebing08-Jun-2011 22:09
Like a beautiful floral blue star. Love the yellow and blue together and the depth of field is wonderful. V.
an nguyen08-Jun-2011 20:38
Beautiful focus and dof.
Cindi Smith08-Jun-2011 20:30
Love your Dof. This is really, really pretty! :)
Patricia Kay08-Jun-2011 20:26
Gorgeous image with wonderful colors and DOF...Love it Steph...BV
J. Scott Coile08-Jun-2011 19:46
Not an easy one to capture so well.
sue anne08-Jun-2011 19:17
Very pretty blue in the grass. V.
Peter Sussex08-Jun-2011 19:09
The blue flower is so nicely isolated, excellent work Steph, BV
Doug Cruden08-Jun-2011 19:03
Beautiful shot! Perfect focus and DoF...
marie-jose wolff08-Jun-2011 18:59
so fine a subtle little flower! V
Ali Majdfar08-Jun-2011 18:11
Fabulous DOF control! ~V
Johnny JAG08-Jun-2011 17:35
Beautifully composed shot
Blandine Mangin08-Jun-2011 17:20
une jolie petite fleur... v
rocky08-Jun-2011 16:42
Such a lovely, luminescent flower! =V-
LynnH08-Jun-2011 15:05
I do love the isolation focus here. V
Carol Rollins08-Jun-2011 14:23
Gorgeous capture Steph! Beautiful. ~
Tom LeRoy08-Jun-2011 13:43
Splendid shot, very nice work ! V
Walter Otto Koenig08-Jun-2011 13:40
Beautiful image with these colors and contrasts Steph. "V"
Zoltán Balogh08-Jun-2011 13:26
This is so beautiful Stephanie! V
carabias08-Jun-2011 13:04
Lovely image, Stephanie! BV
Guest 08-Jun-2011 12:56
Beautiful capture . I love the simplicity ! Beautiful work !BV!!!:-)
larose forest photos08-Jun-2011 12:44
How beautiful!! This is called a Blue-eyed grass (but is not a grass) Sisyrinchium sp. They are abundant around here right now and I find them so beautiful.
Chris Spracklen08-Jun-2011 12:37
Beautifully placed in the frame, Stephanie, and some great background blur.
Jim Coffman08-Jun-2011 11:52
Very nice work! Well done,Stephanie! V
Ann...08-Jun-2011 10:53
I have no idea what it's name is but it certainly is beautiful.
Graeme08-Jun-2011 10:32
Gorgeous close up details & colours.Vote
Raymond08-Jun-2011 10:09
Beautiful shot, very well composed ...
Guest 08-Jun-2011 10:03
Beautiful work Stephanie! V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther08-Jun-2011 09:19
Beautiful! The blue flower really stands out. Lovely background as well. V
David Hobbs08-Jun-2011 08:36
Truly lovely. Brilliant background. Lovely saturated colours and a striking principal subject. Classy. V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak08-Jun-2011 08:04
Lovely image! ~BV~
Colin Dixon CPAGB08-Jun-2011 07:10
Beautiful love the isolation and the colours BV
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