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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > You lookin' at me?
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You lookin' at me?

Sunrise at Cape May Meadows

Canon EOS 40D
1/500s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
slhoornstra11-Jun-2011 06:09
A really excellent capture, lots of personality comes through! V
carabias07-Jun-2011 11:58
Elegante y muy bonita, Stephanie!!!! BV
Cindi Smith07-Jun-2011 04:18
I think you busted him doing something he shouldn't have. LOL! Great capture! V
Guest 07-Jun-2011 03:25
beautiful swan, nicely capture Stephanie V
larose forest photos07-Jun-2011 02:56
This is just brilliant, Stephanie!! Well captured. V
Knox O07-Jun-2011 02:18
nice one of the quacker!
Guest 07-Jun-2011 01:30
Gorgeous shot.
sue anne07-Jun-2011 00:48
Wow good looking right at me ! V.
Guest 07-Jun-2011 00:41
we can see he's a bottom grazer!
bill friedlander06-Jun-2011 23:14
Lovely light and excellent detail in the plumage. Nice curve to the neck. V
Graeme06-Jun-2011 22:49
Beautfiully captured Stephanie!!Voted
Patricia Kay06-Jun-2011 22:38
fabulous capture Steph...what a look he is giving you...BV
laine06-Jun-2011 22:03
hey there rubberneck !!! LOL!!
Karen Stuebing06-Jun-2011 21:37
Great exposure and it looks like a hard one. Love the framing and the "stare." V.
Chris Spracklen06-Jun-2011 21:26
Lookin' at me lookin' at you!
Nice work, Stephanie.
Kim06-Jun-2011 21:25
Great capture! V
Fabienne06-Jun-2011 20:59
C'est un cadrage splendide, c'est fabuleux.
MarcViskens06-Jun-2011 20:31
yes I am :)
very nice captured Stephanie
Tom Munson06-Jun-2011 20:29
This one made me smile. Terrific work, Stephanie!
marie-jose wolff06-Jun-2011 20:06
great capture! V
John Hamers06-Jun-2011 19:58
Great shot !! Beautiful details and lighting !! V
Lee Rudd06-Jun-2011 19:51
is it a bit crosseyed? :)
Jim Coffman06-Jun-2011 19:43
Love it! Well done,Stephanie! V
Margot W06-Jun-2011 19:43
Yes I am.
Love the title and the cropping.
Doug Cruden06-Jun-2011 18:56
Haha...perfectly framed and taken Stephanie, beautifully done! I like your title too :o))
Johnny JAG06-Jun-2011 18:50
Great catch, he's looking mean!
an nguyen06-Jun-2011 17:37
Perfect crop .
Great work .
Peter Sussex06-Jun-2011 17:25
I like these face to face situations, the curve of the neck is graceful, BV
joseantonio06-Jun-2011 16:51
Very nice capture
Tom LeRoy06-Jun-2011 16:42
Great portrait shot! Very nicely composed!V!
J. Scott Coile06-Jun-2011 16:13
That is the "oh no you dinint" look :-)
Guest 06-Jun-2011 16:02
Excellent frame and exposure! Beautiful work! ~V
Blandine Mangin06-Jun-2011 15:36
ils sont vraiment beaux, ces oiseaux ! v
Cedric Sims06-Jun-2011 15:13
Nice light and dof!
Walter Otto Koenig06-Jun-2011 15:01
Great eye contact. Nice details in the plumage. "V"
Guest 06-Jun-2011 14:26
Fabulous capture Steph! V
Carol Rollins06-Jun-2011 14:23
Great shot Steph. ~
Colin Dixon CPAGB06-Jun-2011 14:14
He spotted you then can fool them Birds!
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