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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Gone fishin'
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Gone fishin'

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Sunrise at Cape May Meadows

My trigger finger just happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture this fishing egret consuming a snake! :))

Canon EOS 40D
1/500s f/5.6 at 150.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 07-Jun-2011 23:16
That must be hard to swallow! great capture Vµ
Georgia Roessler07-Jun-2011 15:18
Very nice! Great reflection!
Jay Levin07-Jun-2011 03:47
Stunning capture, Stephanie. You should be very proud of this one.
rocky06-Jun-2011 17:13
Nice timing for this good catch. =V=
Tom LeRoy06-Jun-2011 16:41
Outstanding shot with a wonderful reflection! V!
Michal Leszczynski06-Jun-2011 13:09
Beautiful capture, Stephanie, wonderful photo. V.
CM Kwan06-Jun-2011 12:58
Excellent capture with beautiful reflections, Steph! V
Guest 06-Jun-2011 09:51
Great capture Stephanie.. love the reflection. V
Hank Vander Velde06-Jun-2011 08:13
Nice well exposed image with good reflection Stephanie.
sue anne06-Jun-2011 04:58
Excellent and like the reflection too. V.
Cindi Smith06-Jun-2011 03:53
How cool! Love the mirror image in the water. Very, very good! V
Liz Bickel06-Jun-2011 01:55
What an incredibly cool capture! Both great timing and reflections.
slhoornstra06-Jun-2011 01:01
Great capture, perfect timing!! He is a beauty. V
bill friedlander06-Jun-2011 00:26
Wonderful details and light, and a great reflection. Great timing to catch the egret having breakfast. V
Jean Chiasson06-Jun-2011 00:03
Love the reflection and timing Stephanie vote
princess05-Jun-2011 23:56
Great reflection and capture. V.
Carl H. Johnson05-Jun-2011 23:31
Superb light, composition and reflections......V
Graeme05-Jun-2011 23:23
This is a wonderful capture Stephanie.Votes
Guest 05-Jun-2011 22:47
Superb ,amazing details and colours .
Marina Arimany05-Jun-2011 22:12
This is a superb image, Steph. Light and composition are outstanding. V
David Hobbs05-Jun-2011 21:52
Lovely shot. Wonderful watery reflection. Nice composition.
Doug Cruden05-Jun-2011 20:22
Wow, well done Stephanie!! Great trigger finger action there :o))
Peter Sussex05-Jun-2011 20:04
No doubt, this is excellent! BV+++
Johnny JAG05-Jun-2011 19:24
Timing is everything!
Marcia Rules05-Jun-2011 17:02
beautiful as the plant forms make a natural border. Fine job! V
Lee G05-Jun-2011 16:49
Great timing to catch this image of natures buffet, the reflections are cool as well!
pascal05-Jun-2011 16:34
Fantastic reflection !
Lieve Snellings05-Jun-2011 16:28
love this image with the reflection and the living water, and so great sharpness of the bird... V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jun-2011 16:08
Great shot Steph with this reflection. "V"
Carl and Racine Erland05-Jun-2011 15:50
Great catch :0) Beautiful reflection! - Racine
Dara Su05-Jun-2011 15:45
Nice action shot! V
Phillip Normanton05-Jun-2011 15:38
Great catch - both of you! :o)
LynnH05-Jun-2011 15:08
Love the reflection and the lunch! V
Kevin Chester05-Jun-2011 15:02
A slippery lunch, fantastic action shot
Blandine Mangin05-Jun-2011 15:01
superbe ! v
Tom Munson05-Jun-2011 14:27
Great timing Stephanie! Cool shot!
carabias05-Jun-2011 14:17
Great shot! V
Ali Majdfar05-Jun-2011 14:07
Great capture! ~V
J. Scott Coile05-Jun-2011 12:57
"I thought it was a fish" :-)
Pierre05-Jun-2011 12:40
Une très belle capture mais une composition splendide! V
joseantonio05-Jun-2011 12:21
Great timing. I like the reflections
Ken Duckert05-Jun-2011 12:12
Nice timing Stephanie. Wonderful reflection too!
Lee Rudd05-Jun-2011 11:58
snappy eating!!
Jim Coffman05-Jun-2011 11:08
This is excellent,Stephanie! Beautiful reflection!! BV
Jola Dziubinska05-Jun-2011 10:18
Excellent catch, very nice composition and reflections. V.
Rosemarie Kusserow05-Jun-2011 10:15
I like a lot this fishing bird Steph, nice reflections and fine composed, V
Rosemarie :o)
Dek Grant05-Jun-2011 10:11
Superb shot, very dynamic !.
Colin Dixon CPAGB05-Jun-2011 10:00
Great Shot looks like he got his Breakfast then love the reflection V
Guest 05-Jun-2011 09:47
wow.. it is consuming a snake! Great capture Stephanie! V
Gerard Koehl05-Jun-2011 09:36
Superbe capture de cette aigrette. V
lisamidi05-Jun-2011 09:35
Wow, great moment! And great shot! v
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