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Stephanie | all galleries >> USA >> New Jersey >> jerseyshore >> Cape May ~ 2011 > Victorian architecture
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Victorian architecture

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Cape May ~ Washington Street Mall

Because of the large number of historic Victorian homes, Cape May's a great place to be a Benjamin Moore dealer!

Canon EOS 40D
1/125s f/5.0 at 80.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Range View 10-Nov-2011 21:50
Great composition with great crisp detail! V
slhoornstra11-Jun-2011 06:10
Very pretty! You excel in architectural shots. V
Kim06-Jun-2011 21:26
Great composition! V
Graeme05-Jun-2011 23:24
Love this composition.Voted
Lieve Snellings05-Jun-2011 07:56
nice composition... v
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet03-Jun-2011 23:30
Beautiful details.
bill friedlander03-Jun-2011 21:33
Beautiful patterns and colors. Perfect light and a great POV. V
Tom LeRoy03-Jun-2011 20:31
Love your POV for this shot. Very well composed - you got a good eye!V!
Pete Hemington03-Jun-2011 20:11
Loverly details
Johnny JAG03-Jun-2011 19:38
Love all that detail
pascal03-Jun-2011 18:32
Very well composed ! Excellent !
Jay Levin03-Jun-2011 17:53
Outstanding architectural capture, Stephanie, and you had a perfect sky for this shot.
Blandine Mangin03-Jun-2011 15:28
une belle composition et de très jolies couleurs ! v
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)03-Jun-2011 14:31
Tack sharp! V
Rosemarie Kusserow03-Jun-2011 13:06
Fabulous is the right word, I love the color saturation and your comp! BV
Rosemarie :o)
...and the beautiful architecture for sure, lol
David Hobbs03-Jun-2011 13:04
Fabulous old architecture and a great picture. It always surprises me to see Americans naming an era after a British monarch (i.e. "Victorian")
LynnH03-Jun-2011 12:21
Cape May has such beautiful homes! This has awesome perspective! V
Barbara Heide03-Jun-2011 10:54
beautiful style and great light! v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal03-Jun-2011 10:18
Stunning capture Stephanie, with great sharp detail. V.
Colin Storey03-Jun-2011 09:30
Great details and perspective, wonderful sky. v
Guest 03-Jun-2011 07:44
Lovely shot Steph.. beautifully composed. V
John Hamers03-Jun-2011 07:08
Very nicely composed image and great colours !! V
marie-jose wolff03-Jun-2011 06:44
superb alignment of frontages! V
joseantonio03-Jun-2011 05:12
Beautiful composition and colors
Lee G03-Jun-2011 04:29
Beautiful woodwork on these Victorian homes. Nice work capturing the colors and details, Stephanie!
Cindi Smith03-Jun-2011 03:10
Love your perspective, crispness, composition. A++ V
Carl H. Johnson03-Jun-2011 01:46
Great cropping, beautiful color and dynamic use of lines,Stephanie......."V"
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jun-2011 01:23
Nice crisp detail shot. Great perspective. "V"
Margot W03-Jun-2011 01:23
I wonder if these color combinations on the houses are dictated to the owners.
Looks like eye candy to me.
Jim Coffman03-Jun-2011 01:01
Beautiful composition and great image,Stephanie! V
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