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On the hunt

Canon EOS 40D
1/8s f/7.0 at 135.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ann Pettigrew01-Mar-2010 21:03
Steph, he is a beautiful fox with that black over his back and pelvis. I predict that you will have another chance! Good luck and thanks for your visit, too!
XiaoBernard9901-Mar-2010 13:04
:-( no chance.
Laryl01-Mar-2010 03:25
how exciting to have the wildlife.. fun!
LynnH01-Mar-2010 00:50
You are going to have to set up an outdoor camera!!
Timothy Guenther28-Feb-2010 13:54
Lucky capture!
Lieve Snellings28-Feb-2010 11:33
is the fox also one of your backyard visitors...
Mieke WA Minkjan28-Feb-2010 06:57
fascinating and beautiful animal the fox... a pity that they are hated by so many
she must be hungry with all that snow
Beautiful capture of the fox, Stephanie!
Bill Reed28-Feb-2010 04:09
Great capture, lucky to see a fox. Good action
Guest 27-Feb-2010 22:02
they are even in the middle of montreal, on the mountain, eating the squirrels there.
J. Scott Coile27-Feb-2010 21:09
They don't stand still for long.
Marielou Dhumez27-Feb-2010 19:21
You are lucky to have them as neighbours... Would like that so much !
You got the good reflex to take him at the 1/10000000000sec. he is there !
Ursula Armstrong27-Feb-2010 15:22
Steph, this is great! I love the picture of him running away! Uschi (V)
Cindi Smith27-Feb-2010 15:00
Wow, I wanna live there! What a great thing to have so many animals visit! I have birds and a stray cat or two!
Carol Rollins27-Feb-2010 14:25
Wow, I would love to see one of these!!
Great action Stephanie.
Guest 27-Feb-2010 13:58
Great capture Stephanie !! I see you really have a zoo at home and I'm glad the squirrels are safe!!!
Ken Duckert27-Feb-2010 13:42
What a great capture! Beautiful fox in the snow.
laine27-Feb-2010 13:23
Sneaky devil...:) Great action, Stephnaie.
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