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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > CARBONATION
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Fizzy, sparkling and carbonated action inside this cup!

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meekam tam22-Mar-2010 06:15
A great artistic work, Stephanie! V

Graeme27-Feb-2010 11:20
Kool shot Stephanie.V!
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Feb-2010 06:51
no thank you, can I skip this offer?
great work
Guest 26-Feb-2010 02:12
Very nice post processing Steph!! Now I feel thirsty !!
Cindi Smith26-Feb-2010 02:10
This is great work could be a graphic artist! whoo hoo and yee haw! V
carol j. phipps26-Feb-2010 01:19
Nice, graphic acttion!
Jola Dziubinska26-Feb-2010 00:18
Refreshing shot.
Bernard Davis25-Feb-2010 21:14
Great processing on this one. V
Guest 25-Feb-2010 20:59
Great work, Stephanie.
J. Scott Coile25-Feb-2010 19:22
Fizzzzz fizzz... tickle the nose...
Maaike Huizer25-Feb-2010 15:40
Very nice pp work.
Guest 25-Feb-2010 14:39
Great capture Stephanie ,v
Ursula Armstrong25-Feb-2010 14:35
Marko is right: great work. Uschi (V)
marko gregoric25-Feb-2010 14:27
Excellent work. V.
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