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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Friday night in the Short North - Columbus, Ohio
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Friday night in the Short North - Columbus, Ohio

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Canon PowerShot A540
1/8s f/3.5 at 9.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Eric Carrère27-Feb-2010 14:29 do night shots too....good :o)))
Graeme27-Feb-2010 11:20
Great night scene of the car lights etc.BV
LynnH27-Feb-2010 02:17
Busy, busy night out on the town! Too funny with the rabbit watermark.
Laryl26-Feb-2010 03:30
lots of night action.. good one
Jola Dziubinska26-Feb-2010 00:18
Fast coming back home.
Ursula Armstrong25-Feb-2010 14:34
nice and busy. The rabbit seems to have grown a whole body... Uschi (V)
Mieke WA Minkjan25-Feb-2010 07:11
with a funny rabbit stature somewhere in it...great
Carol Rollins25-Feb-2010 05:50
Great night action shot Stephanie. LOL - love the Bunny placement.
Cindi Smith25-Feb-2010 03:24
I just noticed the bunny in there!;)
Cindi Smith25-Feb-2010 03:24
Wow, don't play in traffic there! Lots of action to be seen!
carol j. phipps25-Feb-2010 01:21
Wonderful capture of the action at night.
Guest 25-Feb-2010 00:58
I see Violet is out swinging!
Bernard Davis24-Feb-2010 19:32
Nice blurry cars against a steady backdrop. How did you get the guy to wear the rabbit mask?
Marielou Dhumez24-Feb-2010 15:27
Like a lot the light bow over this lovely night street scene !
J. Scott Coile24-Feb-2010 13:52
High action. I have wanted to do a traffic shot all month but have not made it out of the house (when I did not have to concentrate on driving in the snow anyway).
Guest 24-Feb-2010 12:34
A lot of action going on there. Well captured Stephanie!!
Maaike Huizer24-Feb-2010 11:37
Busy, busy. Well captured.
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