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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Flying high
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Flying high

You never know what you will see when you look out the plane window.....

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Canon PowerShot A540
1/1250s f/7.1 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
XiaoBernard9901-Mar-2010 13:05
Funny Steph!V
Carl and Racine Erland27-Feb-2010 11:52
LOL!! Clever girl! Great processing. :-) Racine
Jola Dziubinska26-Feb-2010 00:19
Cool composition and pp.
Maaike Huizer24-Feb-2010 11:27
HiHi, great work.
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Feb-2010 07:21
lol capture, great idea!
Dennis Hoyne24-Feb-2010 03:20
Great job, you put a lot of work into this.
Cindi Smith24-Feb-2010 01:08
Oh crap, then I saw you had added that TZ video. I've got to start reading and looking more carefully...Drat!
Cindi Smith24-Feb-2010 01:08
REminds me of that Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner.....:) Hope the bunny didn't frighten anyone!;) Too cute, Steph!
carol j. phipps23-Feb-2010 23:56
Wonderful signature!
Dennis Warren23-Feb-2010 22:28
one of those terrorist bunnies, or just a freeloader
J. Scott Coile23-Feb-2010 20:30
Don't look now. There is a lil' bunny on that wing ;-)
Bernard Davis23-Feb-2010 20:08
Looks like a gremlin to me. (See a very old episode of the Twilight Zone) ;-)
Laryl23-Feb-2010 19:08
usually a lot of sky :) fun
Guest 23-Feb-2010 15:22
Beautiful processing Stephanie! I love your result!! and love looking out of the plane window!
Guest 23-Feb-2010 13:57
Nicely balanced shot, v
Ann...23-Feb-2010 13:55
I love this shot, as you bravely look out of the plane window!!
Ursula Armstrong23-Feb-2010 13:27
like a modern painting. Uschi (V)
François Fauchard23-Feb-2010 13:20
Surprising processing of the image !
lisamidi23-Feb-2010 13:15
Fabulous processing, Stephanise!
Lieve Snellings23-Feb-2010 12:06
interesting !
Guest 23-Feb-2010 12:03
Nice post processing.... Jv
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