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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Philadelphia skyline
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Philadelphia skyline

I shot this image from the plane while we were coming in for a landing over the Delaware River.

If you're looking for more "action" click HERE

Canon PowerShot A540
1/400s f/5.5 at 23.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH27-Feb-2010 13:28
I love to take pics from the plane window. This is super!!!
Carl and Racine Erland25-Feb-2010 12:08
Interesting perspective of the city and nice processing. - Racine
Maaike Huizer24-Feb-2010 11:12
Interesting. Impressive view. I like the tones and the grain.
Timothy Guenther23-Feb-2010 23:58
Cool effect!
Cindi Smith23-Feb-2010 22:56
Love this!!!! Looks like an infrared shot! Excellent, girl!
marita toftgard23-Feb-2010 09:40
fabulous work!!
Mieke WA Minkjan23-Feb-2010 07:33
interesting colour processing, great capture which shows a lot of the infrastructure
Jola Dziubinska23-Feb-2010 01:26
Awesome capture, beautiful tonality. V.
carol j. phipps22-Feb-2010 23:17
Wonderful! I was wondering how you got that angle of view! Excellent captured view from the plane!
Guest 22-Feb-2010 21:52
From a plane Eh! I now know why you saw red!
Marielou Dhumez22-Feb-2010 20:59
Great shot from the plane, i would like to be there to contemplate with you !
laine22-Feb-2010 20:04
A fine view of that massive bridge, Stephanie...interesting processing !!
Guest 22-Feb-2010 17:49
Beautiful photo and processing Stephanie!!!Red is becoming popular!!!!
Bernard Davis22-Feb-2010 17:30
Big city, great treatment, lovely mage.
Laryl22-Feb-2010 15:21
has such an old time feel.. good job
J. Scott Coile22-Feb-2010 13:43
Looks like one of mine of late ;-)
Carol Rollins22-Feb-2010 13:17
Love your processing Stephanie! ~
Ursula Armstrong22-Feb-2010 13:09
amazing view! very impressive! Uschi (V)
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