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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Double dating.
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Double dating.

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Canon EOS 40D
1/500s f/9.1 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sam X17-Feb-2010 02:42
beautiful shot... with ladies in a middle
Yvonne16-Feb-2010 03:07
A beautiful capture!
wernere0115-Feb-2010 21:45
Think they need each other to keep warm.
Bernard Davis15-Feb-2010 17:32
Lovely shot, and a nice title. Made me smile.
Guest 15-Feb-2010 17:13
They are so cute!!! Great capture Steph!! Wonderful compo!
Carol Rollins15-Feb-2010 14:56
Sweet capture Stephanie! ~
Marielou Dhumez15-Feb-2010 13:25
So cure these all 4 ! they must not be so warm...!
Mieke WA Minkjan15-Feb-2010 06:43
watching each other...spring will be there soon!
Lieve Snellings15-Feb-2010 03:02
wonderful those 4 on a row...
J. Scott Coile15-Feb-2010 01:52
Getting the cold shoulder ;-)
Bill Reed15-Feb-2010 00:39
Good shot, maybe they are off to see the Mighty Ducks
Cindi Smith15-Feb-2010 00:18
Heading out to dinner and then to a movie...I hear Howard the Duck is on again!
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