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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Let it snow
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Let it snow

This shot was taken from our front door. The boxwoods are completely covered in snow!

Please see more snowy action by clicking on the image below:

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Canon EOS 40D
1/320s f/5.0 at 10.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Norbert Fortelny24-Feb-2010 14:20
Great composition.
Esa Ervasti24-Feb-2010 12:36
Extraordinary framing, like some movie efect.
Carl and Racine Erland23-Feb-2010 20:04
Well seen, well framed, well shot, and well, I like it that you have the opportunity and we don't :O) V
Blandine Mangin21-Feb-2010 16:11
Wonderful ! v
lisamidi21-Feb-2010 10:04
Gorgeous shot! Fantastic view and great moment to capture the scene! Bravo. v
January Grey21-Feb-2010 06:59
Awesome composition! What a beautiful view from your front porch!! V~
Reflections by Ruth19-Feb-2010 14:35
I really like this point of view Steph, makes it look like a picture window :)
Frank Brault19-Feb-2010 01:42
A beautifully framed gorgeous snowfall. V
Dennis Hoyne18-Feb-2010 03:16
Beautiful view, and nicely framed. Voted.
Carl and Racine Erland17-Feb-2010 10:58
Nice capture of the falling snow, beautiful scene. - Racine
Guest 16-Feb-2010 12:33
I want to be your neighbhour! We don't have snow way up north here. :( Next year Santa is thinking of moving to washington. :)
Maaike Huizer16-Feb-2010 09:00
This is absolutely gorgeous.
Laryl15-Feb-2010 23:49
very pretty!!
Fay Stout15-Feb-2010 22:22
What a beautiful view and so well framed... V.
wernere0115-Feb-2010 21:43
Can´t you change the title into 'Let it shine'. A great view, but enough is enough.
Bernard Davis15-Feb-2010 17:32
That is one heck of a view from your front door, snow or no snow. And with snow its awesome. Really great shot. V
Guest 15-Feb-2010 17:16
That is a lot of snow Steph!!!!! What a beautiful capture!
Inga Morozoff15-Feb-2010 15:42
Can't help but smile.
Ursula Armstrong15-Feb-2010 15:25
Wonderful, just wonderful! And action too with the snow falling! Uschi (V)
Marielou Dhumez15-Feb-2010 13:23
What a wonderful scene in front of the house ! Lucky you are !
Mieke WA Minkjan15-Feb-2010 06:44
beautiful framed Stephanie, well done
Lieve Snellings15-Feb-2010 03:02
wowwwwwwww ! V
J. Scott Coile15-Feb-2010 01:53
What a Winter wonderland...
Bill Reed15-Feb-2010 00:38
Very nice, the contrast between the snow and the columns is excellent.
Cindi Smith15-Feb-2010 00:18
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