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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Feuling Up
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Feuling Up

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Canon EOS 40D
1/80s f/6.4 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)26-Jun-2010 21:21
Good capture,Vote
XiaoBernard9901-Mar-2010 13:07
I am imagining you!
Hi Ms Rabbit
Antonio Ruggiero17-Feb-2010 16:31
Ottima Photo....Bravo....V
LynnH14-Feb-2010 14:17
Great action shot! I love the colors of jays!! It's a good thing we have an action challenge, as I know they move quick and are hard to photograph as a still shot.
Mieke WA Minkjan13-Feb-2010 06:53
great action shot
Deborah Lewis13-Feb-2010 00:43
Great shot!
Carl and Racine Erland11-Feb-2010 05:08
Lots of action he's glad you left some seeds out for him! - Racine
J. Scott Coile10-Feb-2010 15:57
Very nice bit of motion.
Bill Reed10-Feb-2010 03:08
Great movement and action. Nice
Cindi Smith10-Feb-2010 01:21
Very necessary action for these guys. Love movement
carol j. phipps09-Feb-2010 23:49
Beautiful action!
Laryl09-Feb-2010 21:20
oh I love the blue jays and birds.. wish we had them here, I would feed them for sure
Marielou Dhumez09-Feb-2010 21:09
Very hungry poor little thing !
Bernard Davis09-Feb-2010 18:31
Great motion in the head and excellent in keeping the rest of the picure crisp. Nice one.
Guest 09-Feb-2010 12:35
Beautiful bird and nice sense of movement Stephanie!!!
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