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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Splish Splash
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Splish Splash

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Canon EOS 40D
1/100s f/5.7 at 135.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Mieke WA Minkjan13-Feb-2010 06:56
nice catch of the water splash
marita toftgard11-Feb-2010 19:02
Guest 11-Feb-2010 12:39
looks more like a pluck pluck! :) Kidding ya. hypnotising.
Carl and Racine Erland11-Feb-2010 05:10
Nice the pattern of the dish through the moving water. - Racine
J. Scott Coile10-Feb-2010 15:56
Very cool patterns from the bowl.
Carol Rollins10-Feb-2010 05:24
Wonderfully shot Stephanie! ~
Bill Reed10-Feb-2010 03:07
Great color and the action of the water is excellent.
Available Light Images10-Feb-2010 02:32
Ah, she joins the game :-) this is pretty cool..
Cindi Smith10-Feb-2010 01:22
Oh yeah. You did good on this one!
carol j. phipps09-Feb-2010 23:50
This is really beautiful!
Laryl09-Feb-2010 21:23
I was thinking of doing a water drop but just not in the mood.. love your blue/white base even though it fights with the drop for attention :)
Marielou Dhumez09-Feb-2010 21:11
Water in motion for sure ! great effect !
Roby09-Feb-2010 20:49
nice composition and colors Steph, V
Bernard Davis09-Feb-2010 18:30
Not sure what it is, but its certainly colourful and moving.
Guest 09-Feb-2010 12:45
Nice water splash Steph!
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