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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Big snow removal
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Big snow removal

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Canon EOS 40D
1/1000s f/10.0 at 85.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Carl and Racine Erland11-Feb-2010 05:12
Now this looks like it will get the job done! Nice crisp shot with beautiful blue sky. - Racine
J. Scott Coile10-Feb-2010 15:56
Heapin' helpin'...
Inga Morozoff10-Feb-2010 02:39
Sorry, but I can't help but laugh. We get our fair share of snow up this way so it's fun to see it clobber someone else for a change. :-) Have a safe journey!
Available Light Images10-Feb-2010 02:33
cool.. impressive dump
Cindi Smith10-Feb-2010 01:23
Dang, that's a ton of snow! I guess you are probably still in it in Ohio if you could get out.
carol j. phipps09-Feb-2010 23:51
Beautifully balanced.
Laryl09-Feb-2010 21:26
awesome action!! I sure couldn't find that around here hehe.. but I'm so glad I'm not in the snow!
Bernard Davis09-Feb-2010 18:29
Best way to move the stuff, keeping warm in the cab.
marita toftgard09-Feb-2010 13:05
excellent day for a shot
cold too;)
Guest 09-Feb-2010 12:48
Wow,that is really a lot of sno, beautiful under that clear blue sky. Nice capture Steph!
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