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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Glass Blowing
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Glass Blowing

Stopped by Simon Pearce yesterday to buy a gift. Glass blowing was taking place ~ so I snapped a few piccies! :)

Learn more about Simon Pearce glass, pottery and restaurant.

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Canon EOS 40D
1/20s f/5.7 at 95.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
lisamidi06-Feb-2010 12:11
Fabulous work here, Stephanie, both great documentation and great portrait. Love the processing too. Bravo! v
Mary Terry06-Feb-2010 05:11
Glass blowing has always been intriguing to me. Great capture and processing! V
January Grey06-Feb-2010 04:48
Beautiful candid! Great light & action! V~
Bill Reed06-Feb-2010 02:49
Really nice composition and depth. Really makes the craftsmanship stand out.
Barbara Heide06-Feb-2010 02:40
interesting documentation!
carol j. phipps06-Feb-2010 01:56
Wonderful capture!
Carl and Racine Erland05-Feb-2010 23:07
Wonderful capture of a unique skill...great treatment and composition too! - Racine V
J. Scott Coile05-Feb-2010 22:42
A fun activity to watch. I have one of a local artisan using a torch to speed glaze some pottery. Well done Stephanie!
Timothy Guenther05-Feb-2010 22:29
Very nice composition, nice action!
Guest 05-Feb-2010 21:03
Well composed.
Bernard Davis05-Feb-2010 18:42
Great working shot. Always nice to see these old crafts still ongoing.
Blandine Mangin05-Feb-2010 18:13
il faut avoir de la passion, pour faire ces métiers difficiles... superbe capture ! v
Patricia Kay05-Feb-2010 17:41
Fabulous image Stephanie...BV
Guest 05-Feb-2010 16:24
He doesn't seem to be working fast enough, you probably distracted him! :)
Laryl05-Feb-2010 16:06
perfection! this is great
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Feb-2010 15:51
Wonderful work! Love the tones and the treatment! V
Fong Lam05-Feb-2010 15:07
Excellent portrait of this skilful craftsman at work, Steph......V
Carol Rollins05-Feb-2010 14:55
Great shot Stephanie! And, so interesting. ~
pascal05-Feb-2010 14:44
Fantastic portrait ! Thanks for sharing.
Hank Vander Velde05-Feb-2010 14:33
Nice candid image Stephanie.
Guest 05-Feb-2010 14:14
Excellent Stephanie!! V
Maaike Huizer05-Feb-2010 14:07
That is a wonderful. You've hit this one on the nail.
Lieve Snellings05-Feb-2010 12:43
great action portrait ! v
Nancy Good05-Feb-2010 12:28
Nice catch, Stephanie!! And love the work you did on the image, too. Bravo!
Cindi Smith05-Feb-2010 12:17
Oh I love glass blowing. Went to Italy and saw this and was totally in awe of their work. Exceptional work here, Steph. You go girl!
Guest 05-Feb-2010 11:53
Great shot Steph, love your desaturated background! I've always liked to watch glass blowing!I could sit there for hours!
Available Light Images05-Feb-2010 11:33
LOL, you make me laugh... we talk about selective desaturation yesterday, and here we are :-) Just see how much depth it added to this image.. brilliant work Steph.. hear hear...
Guest 05-Feb-2010 11:13
What a great (and sharp) action shot.
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard05-Feb-2010 11:05
Excellent action shot :^)
Ursula Armstrong05-Feb-2010 10:59
Great idea for an action picture - very nice! Uschi (V)
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