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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Oh deer
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Oh deer

This deer was just "passing through" our backyard......

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Canon EOS 40D
1/800s f/6.4 at 135.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Zoltán Balogh18-Feb-2010 08:24
Really witty caption!:) V
Mieke WA Minkjan05-Feb-2010 07:00
beautiful catch, I hope she has enough food outside
Carl and Racine Erland05-Feb-2010 06:47
Beautiful animals, sometimes not where you want them to be. Nicely seen and great capture, tricky through the trees! ;-) - Racine
Laryl05-Feb-2010 05:38
nice catch!
carol j. phipps05-Feb-2010 00:00
Running on!
Bernard Davis04-Feb-2010 20:06
Excellent shot, we'd pay good money to have deer in our garden.
LynnH04-Feb-2010 18:39
I like the treatment and wouldn't change a thing! Great catch!
Guest 04-Feb-2010 16:07
Nice capture but the treatment added is to much and distracts.
Guest 04-Feb-2010 15:45
You've got to tell your husband to cut the grass!
Maaike Huizer04-Feb-2010 13:54
What a catch!!! I'm not so sure about the pp. Posteredges??
J. Scott Coile04-Feb-2010 13:29
They're sneaky. I have one that occasionally walks up and looks inside our bathroom window.
Guest 04-Feb-2010 13:19
Oh, Stephanie, you are so lucky to have deers and lovely birds around!! Nice capture, you were lucky to have your camera at hand!
Cindi Smith04-Feb-2010 12:27
Shoo! Mooning you on the way out!;)
Available Light Images04-Feb-2010 11:18
Really cool image, busy as heck, but still cool. I think you need to know how far to go with your processing. When things start to break up and get all pixelated, its time to back off. OR, go with an artistic filter, like brush strokes or painted... This still works real well though...
Ursula Armstrong04-Feb-2010 10:37
lovely how the ears and the bottom shine throught the trees. Uschi (V)
laine04-Feb-2010 10:29
How beautiful to have it so the treatment !!
Yvonne04-Feb-2010 10:16
Clever girl - wonderful light!
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