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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> February 2010 - Action > Horse and Buggy ride
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Horse and Buggy ride

Olde City Philadelphia

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Canon EOS 40D
1/20s f/6.3 at 22.0mm iso400 full exif

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Available Light Images04-Feb-2010 09:58
Glad that all worked out for you... looks a lot better :-) then again, I would say that...
Maaike Huizer04-Feb-2010 08:08
Nice contrasts in this one. And lots to see.
Mieke WA Minkjan04-Feb-2010 07:09
impressive processing
Cindi Smith04-Feb-2010 02:09
Oh yeah, this pops! Yep, the background as B&W and just the horse and buggy in color really works well. excellent work, my dear!
carol j. phipps04-Feb-2010 02:00
Interesting work here!
Jola Dziubinska04-Feb-2010 01:24
Nicely seen, interesting find.
Laryl03-Feb-2010 23:41
that is a pretty horse, and it was a good idea
Barbara Heide03-Feb-2010 23:39
excellent contrats between the modern environment and the 1 horse vehicle... nice motion...
Ed McConnell03-Feb-2010 22:43
Alister has good point, Norman has a sharp eye(Indian arrows) and all I can add is this is
a nice shot of Slow Action..
Peter Sussex03-Feb-2010 21:46
Creative use of selective color and it would be a fun to have a ride on that buggy.
Bernard Davis03-Feb-2010 19:19
Definately a sense of motion in the horse. I think part of the issue with the shot is that the buggy is actually quite sharp, especially compared to the horse. I guess this is because they're turning a corner, so I think you get what Alistair said, '...a lot of tension...'
J. Scott Coile03-Feb-2010 19:12
That horse is marching to independence ;-)
Guest 03-Feb-2010 17:28
I like how you put the background into BW to draw attention to the horse and buggy. Your colors seem off - the horse seems orange in certain spots. Would like the horse a bit more in focus too.
Guest 03-Feb-2010 14:57
They seem to be following an old indian trail, look at the arrows!
Ursula Armstrong03-Feb-2010 13:52
I like how you show the action is the horses'. Uschi (V)
Carl and Racine Erland03-Feb-2010 13:40
A great subject for the challenge. - Racine
Guest 03-Feb-2010 13:34
I haven't seen this photo before, but I'm sure Alister was right, it looks great this way. Nice capture Steph. I would love a ride on that buggy!
Available Light Images03-Feb-2010 10:26
I mean buggy., not buddy :-) LOL two bears and I'm away :-)
Available Light Images03-Feb-2010 10:25
I am going to go to town on you here Steph, but you know I only mean well by it> I guess there are distracting elements to the left, so you cropped really tight there, but below and above and right seems very tight, the whole frame just seems very busy. There is a lot of tension in the frame too, highlighted by the very aggressive highlight recovery ion the horses legs, post-realistic.. With a shot like this, where the subject is a pretty intense object and it is against a very busy background it can be a good idea to desaturate the background and leave the subject in color. Horse, buddy, passengers in color, the rest, BW... even with the heavy processing as it is on the horse, that would work by creating a lot of separation and depth between it and the background... There you go, my longest ever post on a PBase image :-) hugs, Alister
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