Lots of action around these feeders...looks like you're a good friend to the birds! Cardinals are soooo gorgeous and not native to BC, this is a real treat, thanks. - Racine
I have thought of this the past couple of days. We have a crazy female Cardinal that keeps trying to get inside or house. She goes to the bathroom window then up to the window in the bonus room and down to the dining room over and over. I have tried to chase her off but she does this daily.
Do his promises always come true? :) Happy G-Day! And the heroic city of Volgograd is celebrating today the Victory in the Stalingrad Battle, 67 years already! Great pic! V
sweet... Okay, I am getting online to book a flight just now, should be there in say 48 hours!! Ach, you guys are so lucky with your garden birds, I'd never leave if I had that!!
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