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Stephanie | all galleries >> Galleries >> European Flags > Greek Flag
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Greek Flag

Please stop by and visit my Greek photos:
To view the actual photo used to create this flag:
My Greek photo gallery is still under construction. It is taking a lot of time scanning the old photos.

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MarcViskens15-Sep-2013 06:03
very nice Stephanie
Lieve Snellings21-Jul-2011 08:53
Greece is such a wonderful place, almost like paradise... V
larose forest photos18-Mar-2011 01:09
This is terrific! Very creative and clever. And what fabulous, fabulous scenery! V
Yiannis Pavlis26-Feb-2010 22:28
Nice idea and good composition.I like it a lot.
cits_4_pets31-Aug-2009 19:13
My fave!Love the gentle wave!~
XiaoBernard9919-Aug-2009 06:26
Bien fait Steph!Et très summer design,Merci
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