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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other wildlife >> Amphibians and reptiles >> Monitor Lizards >> Nijlvaraan - Nile Monitor Lizard - Varanus niloticus > Nijlvaraan - Nile Monitor Lizard - Varanus niloticus
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Nijlvaraan - Nile Monitor Lizard - Varanus niloticus

Gambia, Senegambia Beach

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Hennie & Lies Lammers16-Aug-2018 09:56
Prachtig scherp portret van deze varaan. V
Pierre15-Aug-2018 18:03
Un lézard très impressionnant, un portrait bien détaillé de celui-ci! V
Walter Otto Koenig15-Aug-2018 17:30
Great sharp detail. Well timed and composed. "V"
Tom Munson15-Aug-2018 15:12
Impressive lizard and wonderful capture, Ton.
Hank Vander Velde15-Aug-2018 14:21
Terrific sharp close-up Ton.
Tom LeRoy15-Aug-2018 14:14
Fantastic pose and sharp shot, Ton. V
Ellen Michaels15-Aug-2018 13:50
Excellent detailed portrait. V
Helen Betts15-Aug-2018 13:28
Super detail and texture in this excellent closeup. V.
Pierre Martin15-Aug-2018 11:17
splendid portrait and capture with the toungue out!
MarcViskens15-Aug-2018 08:01
Heel mooi gedaan Ton
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