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Ladybird's Gallery | all galleries >> Galleries >> ladybirdsgallery > The Rolling Stones 45 promo - STONED
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The Rolling Stones 45 promo - STONED

this fine and very rare 45 rates in the top 100 records sought after category. it is in mint condition.
it books for $ 10,000 and we are offering it here for $8,000. don't miss this chance at an outrageous rolling stones rarity.
it will be securely packaged for its protection, and will ship insured. shipping and insurance to you are included
in the price of $8,000. take home a prize.

Olympus SP800UZ
1/200s f/2.8 at 4.9mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ladybird's Gallery24-Sep-2012 16:28
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