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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Insects, Beetles, and other Crawling Critters >
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29-Aug 2013 T.A.LeRoy

Morning Bee

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Yiannis Pavlis05-Sep-2013 04:29
Wonderful, great colours, great subject..
Carol Rollins04-Sep-2013 17:04
Wow, Tom, this is outstanding. Clear and sharp! Bravo. ~
Frank Brault02-Sep-2013 17:44
A remarkable closeup. Fantastic detail! V
Pierre02-Sep-2013 15:57
Une macro formidable avec de jolis détails! V
Rosi Blaurock02-Sep-2013 07:25
Beautiful shot.
Sam_C01-Sep-2013 09:08
Remarkable detail and sharpness! V++
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