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Martha Albuquerque | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portugal > Praia da Costa
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24-OCT-2018 ©martha albuquerque

Praia da Costa


Canon EOS 5D
1/125s f/9.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Margot W01-Jan-2019 05:49
Lovely image. Happy new year!
carabias29-Dec-2018 11:34
Me siento junto a los roscos flotadores!!!
Bonita imagen, Martha! V
Gill Kopy28-Dec-2018 02:11
Ah ! wish I was there ! Love the old tour boat and the reflections. V
PS A good time of year to visit with very few tourists !
John28-Dec-2018 00:29
I see Dutch influences in the façades of the houses. Beautiful scene Martha. VV
Jeff Real27-Dec-2018 23:24
What a great image!