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Bobby Timonera | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tugaya, Lanao del Sur > 04_5080.jpg
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/100s f/4.0 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
b 30-Oct-2007 02:20
hehehehhe..............katawn ka bs so kamamokpok
misss ann 21-May-2007 02:18
mataan mambo miyaantok antok ka na....
ya,,, sa dilimbayan yan
Guest 21-Apr-2007 07:39
san kaya 2ng lugar sa tugaya cguro s dilimbayan st. lng kc sa dilimbayan minsan don me n22log cmpre nri2nig ko ang pag pak pok pik ng tabo pag gngwa..?
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