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Bobby Timonera | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tugaya, Lanao del Sur > 01-0146.jpg
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Olympus C-3000Z
1/250s f/2.8 at 7.3mm iso100 full exif

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nahid ago c wilson of Diliman 31-Jan-2010 11:14
halu mga kaibigan, mapipiya tano san? giyabo so pagari niyo c nahid ago c wilson makapopoon s tabok street diliman boys..wish ol d best sa tugaya...we need change obama on the line on the go...wahahaaha... sapto puman imanto madakul a tao s lasvegas..
salma hadjisarief 24-Jul-2009 03:33
wow! i like arts.. yan ang gagawin qng thesis.. tugaya will be the best location.. goodluck sakin..jejeje!
darktown_14 22-Jul-2009 13:38
Wasalam!! Amel,, Pakawitinga c malansing sa tubatubala!!
Guest 04-Jul-2009 11:50
" be proud.. he..he.. dj_mix
acop amel 23-May-2009 12:52
god bless to all tugayanins:especially to diliman boys,salam mwuuuuuuuuuuuuh.............. by. amel
bairon 30-Oct-2007 02:11
ows.............. bahay namin ung nkita ah......
sambolawan faisal 17-Oct-2007 12:30
(:M13:)hi!hLLo?all 2gayAniAns,special 2 barAngGay sUmbagarOgOng,mamie mGanda pAla yong produc jn sa 2gaya,wOw batakatawie oba adon a pradac tano sAn,ana malatano bOs a tamok mgA taga 2gaya,tnk u come again..................i love 2gayanians a mgA cte agO mGa gwapO?
anie of tugaya 19-Apr-2007 02:57
be tugayanians
anie 19-Apr-2007 02:57
be tugayanians
sam 28-Feb-2007 02:33
i can't say anything,, ang picture na ito ay sobrang ganda,, i hope that this will be preserve by the people there.
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