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Return Trip From London Boatshow 18th January 2006

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At Trinity Buoy Wharf - London's only Lighthouse (Not used)
At Trinity Buoy Wharf - London's only Lighthouse (Not used)
Pura factory on Bow Creek
Pura factory on Bow Creek
Docklands Light Railway in background
Docklands Light Railway in background
The other side of the Pura factory
The other side of the Pura factory
Looking towards Canary Wharf
Looking towards Canary Wharf
Bow Lock - We decide on a side Trip to Three Mills Pool
Bow Lock - We decide on a side Trip to Three Mills Pool
The Lea Navigation from the Tidal sectiion
The Lea Navigation from the Tidal sectiion
Three Mills Pool on the Tidal section
Three Mills Pool on the Tidal section
The Motley Crew
The Motley Crew
Still on Tidal section by District Line bridge
Still on Tidal section by District Line bridge
It was dark by the time we had got up the Lea onto the Hertford Union Canal
It was dark by the time we had got up the Lea onto the Hertford Union Canal
Atmospheric shot passing Victoria Park
Atmospheric shot passing Victoria Park
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