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Terry Sprague | all galleries >> Galleries >> october_2015 > autumn white cosmos
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08-Oct-2015 © 2015 Terry Sprague

autumn white cosmos

North Haven, Maine

October Challenge - Lines

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don27-Oct-2015 20:35
Great composition and light.
Jola Dziubinska18-Oct-2015 22:30
Lovely! V.
Carol Rollins13-Oct-2015 02:37
Gorgeous. Outstanding.
Cindi Smith12-Oct-2015 02:11
Gorgeous! V
laine10-Oct-2015 02:36
I love the warmth of the centre and the clear detail of the petals.
Janet Donnelly09-Oct-2015 14:34
Terry, this is so inspiring ...... the very soft side of nature. An A+ photo! ~V~
pkocinski09-Oct-2015 12:08
Simple and beautiful...
Stephanie09-Oct-2015 10:24
Gorgeous capture of this flower! Love the backlighting! v
borisalex09-Oct-2015 08:49
Like in a dream, soft lines and shadows and great composition! V.
larose forest photos09-Oct-2015 02:09
So perfectly fresh looking... reminds me of early summer not autumn! V
LynnH09-Oct-2015 01:16
Vibrant! I love the symmetry in this cosmos... and the simple color. Lovely photo V
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