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through_the_lens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cindy Flood, USA > Loading the threshing machine
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24-Aug-2013 Cindy Flood

Loading the threshing machine

Wisconsin the other end of the big belt. 2013 Empire Thresheree

Leica M9 ,Leica 50mm f/1.4 Summilux ASPH
1/350s f/11.0 at 50.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 29-Aug-2013 14:30
Great documentary of what is pretty much history.
hal 29-Aug-2013 06:07
Hard work indeed Cindy, in pre-automation days.
An excellent photo of things as they were.
Michael Edwards29-Aug-2013 02:04
Very interesting departure.
Action and working portraiture...
LynnH28-Aug-2013 16:42
Hard, dusty work. Great catch of the action.
Terry_O28-Aug-2013 16:17
Love it, Cindy. We are all so spoiled these days :). Super interesting shot!
Fred Gary28-Aug-2013 14:07
Nice catch, I remember well working the hay with a pitchfork as a boy from 2 to 13 or 14.