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through_the_lens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cindy Flood, USA > Floodgate Wheel at the Mill pond
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11-NOV-2011 Cindy Flood

Floodgate Wheel at the Mill pond


Sony Alpha NEX-5N ,Leica 35 f/2 Summicron ASPH
1/2500s f/2.0 iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jim Stiles14-Nov-2011 02:24
Remarkable composition, Cindy! Your choice of dof is exactly right.
hal 14-Nov-2011 00:29
Top marks for this shot Cindy.
A very pleasing geometric design
Pete Hemington13-Nov-2011 19:28
The wheel hub is on a perfect golden mean, nice work
Frank Kavanagh Photography13-Nov-2011 18:35
Great detail in the foreground, with just enough detail in the background to show some of the bigger picture.
Guest 13-Nov-2011 15:28
Lovely lines and focus Cindy. Love the shallow dof!!
Guest 13-Nov-2011 03:33
Looks like you could just walk up and turn it. Nicely seen.
Terry_O13-Nov-2011 01:50
I love the way you spotted this, Cindy. The detail of the wonderful
iron work and mechanism with the oof canal and pond background really sets this
stoge12-Nov-2011 20:41
A lot of good lines here!
Michael Edwards12-Nov-2011 19:42
Excellent image quality and nice bokeh, with a cool subject.
I rally like this, Cindy.
Lennart Waara12-Nov-2011 18:03
Excellent view with that close up structure as foreground! Great and interesting details!