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through_the_lens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cindy Flood, USA > Dining Room.jpg
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Dining Room.jpg

Leica M9
1/1500s f/1.4 iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindi Smith12-Oct-2010 20:54
Light and shadows and composition. Perfect in B&W!
Rudi 11-Oct-2010 08:26
Outstanding B&W!
Guest 11-Oct-2010 04:32
Lovely exposure and very nice decor.
Lennart Waara 10-Oct-2010 13:42
Nice picture with perfect range of light shades!
Steve Mockford10-Oct-2010 11:16
Great tonal range Cindy, including the hint of detail outside the windows. This picture has a very welcoming feel.
Frank Kavanagh Photography10-Oct-2010 11:15
Beautiful shot.
Pat Nighswander 10-Oct-2010 05:47
Beautiful shot with great tones well taken...
Terry 10-Oct-2010 02:59
I agree with Hal. This is a very attractive photograph. Your use of
b&w is wonderful!
hal 09-Oct-2010 20:13
A very attractive photograph Cindy.
You have held the extremes of the tonal range very well indeed.
Ansel would approve.