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Grant John | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images of the Mediterranean tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Images of the Mediterranean

These are a selection of pictures taken during a two week cruise from Venice to Barcelona. There are many beautiful spots along this course, and I have tried to present the best of my efforts. The locations include Bonifacio on Corsica, Dubrovnik, Corfu, Naples and the area around it (Pompei and Positano), Rome, Siena and San Gimignano in Tuscany, Genoa and Marseille/Aix-en-Provence.
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Bonifacio Harbor
Bonifacio Harbor
Boats in Corsica
Boats in Corsica
Bonifacio at Dusk
Bonifacio at Dusk
Bonifacio Street II
Bonifacio Street II
Corsican Coast
Corsican Coast
Headed Out
Headed Out
Napoleon Lived Here
Napoleon Lived Here
Sailing in Corsica
Sailing in Corsica
Dubrovnik - The Old City
Dubrovnik - The Old City
Dubrovnik Harbor
Dubrovnik Harbor
Dubrovnik - The Main Street
Dubrovnik - The Main Street
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