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Steve Parkin | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorite Nature and Wildlife Photographs > Wide Open
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Wide Open

This little purple martin fledgling was more than happy to mug for the camera. Generally, he sat still and rested. A couple times he opened up wide for a moment or two. Fortunately the second time he did it I was more ready than I was the first time!

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/640s f/9.0 at 500.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Raymond Ma27-Feb-2009 03:44
Nice capture. Great enthusiasm this little fellow has! V
Bob Walker 26-Feb-2009 03:07
Love this image as it was very captured and such an amusing subject. A very marketable image I would think.
John Armstrong24-Feb-2009 16:43
Well done (V)

missy_gardenwhimsy23-Feb-2009 05:17
Awsome adorable! V
MarcWildPassion16-Feb-2009 21:48
Remind me a famous advertisment for a Gasoline company, a famous US one.. Exxon;
Very nice color and details,
j>a>e>17 :):):)09-Feb-2009 04:50
beltin' out ONE pure heartsong :):):)
17 AAAHHHvationzzz from chicago :):):)
missy_gardenwhimsy23-Aug-2007 07:37
Great photo! Simply wonderful!!!
Judy Sinclair31-Mar-2007 06:00
Wow, I guess that's what they mean when they say "He's all mouth"!! Fantastic capture. ~V~
JOSE MATA21-Feb-2007 00:10
Craig Sadler17-Feb-2007 01:25
Awesome shot! V
Guest 15-Feb-2007 15:18
wonderful capture!
Robert Charity11-Nov-2006 03:55
what a capture, V
Guest 17-Oct-2006 03:06
Perfect timing -- love the bright orange mouth contrasted with the rest of the color in the photo.
Reflections by Ruth19-Sep-2006 22:43
:))) what an awesome capture :) V!!
Karen Moen16-Sep-2006 04:17
Great timingto catch that yellow gape. It seems strange to see it on the ground. I hope the mother was close by. Voted.
Guest 27-Jul-2006 21:38
Really stunning shot, looks like he is very hungry :-v
Reflections by Ruth26-Jul-2006 03:19
wow, this is the best close up of a little birdie I have seen :)
love the detail and light that hit it. That mouth is huge lol
Yi Feng26-Jul-2006 02:43
What a big mouth! Great capture!