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14-AUG-2006 1apa3


Nikon D70
1/250s f/4.0 at 31.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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laine8216-Aug-2006 12:30
Brava, Adal.
Kal Khogali16-Aug-2006 12:10
Awesome image and awesome idea ala Adal...just beware he doesn't charge by the hit ;-))K
Adalberto Tiburzi16-Aug-2006 06:05
(favourite of the moment)
Guest 15-Aug-2006 23:25
Great eye to have seen this. V
Adalberto Tiburzi15-Aug-2006 04:48
J'aime la profondeur du mur révélé par l'ombre en haut.
Guest 15-Aug-2006 04:24
:-) excellent cadrage