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Ian Dalgliesh | all galleries >> Galleries >> Castles of the Welsh Princes > Castell Deudraeth(in the gardens at Portmeirion)
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21-AUG-2008 Ian Dalgliesh

Castell Deudraeth(in the gardens at Portmeirion)

By Portmeirion,Gwynedd,Cymru

Much overgrown walling,very low down the site.Possibly part of the original structure(Welsh).The folly walling atop the site,is not connected to this.
Note:To all Welsh speakers;the previous reference,in Welsh,I cannot read,but,it is included here(I hope it's nothing to do with the hotel of the same name,also in the grounds at Portmeirion),because I recognise all the other entries on the wikipedia page,as being Welsh princes castles of the same period.

FujiFilm FinePix S6000fd
1/60s f/7.1 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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