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Sture Hermansson | all galleries >> Fjärilar - Butterflies and Moths >> Systematiskt - Systematic >> Juvelvingar - Lycaenidae - Blues, Coppers and Hairstreaks > Ljungblåvinge - Plebejus argus - Silver-studded Blue
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Ljungblåvinge - Plebejus argus - Silver-studded Blue

Olyckskärret, Ormhult, Hallsberg

Äntligen! En blåvinge som inte flög bort, utan såg mig i ögat och satt kvar.
At last! A blue who did not fly away, but looked me in the eye and stayed.

Olympus C-750UZ
1/250s f/5.0 at 63.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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