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Stefan Schmitz | all galleries >> Hidden >> Abstractions > Grande Arche, Paris, 2007
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Grande Arche, Paris, 2007

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Guest 17-Nov-2009 09:37
Stunning shot big vote!
Dallas Hyatt11-Jul-2009 17:50
Too cool. Great use of figure in colors.
Marc Demoulin14-Apr-2009 20:06
Magistral Stefan!! vVv
Barbara Corvino11-Nov-2008 11:46
I like this atmosphere...
Ciao. Barbara
Guest 16-Apr-2008 20:05
waowww. great light, composition... v
Guest 07-Apr-2008 02:52
urban psychedelic alienation imagery.
a nice one, stefan
Guest 10-Mar-2008 22:43
Guest 10-Mar-2008 22:43
Andreas 21-Jan-2008 21:52
Theater: Paris
Die Bühne: grande arche
Darsteller: unbekannt
Das Stück: Warten/Stehen/Allein/Verloren/???
Regisseur: Stefan

Barbara Heide12-Jan-2008 09:26
echt gut gemacht! v
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