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foto-baja-mex | all galleries >> Galleries >> some_things_from_july > max nap
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12-JUN-2011 "B"

max nap


Remember the cat?

Apple iPhone
1/15s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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foto-baja-mex22-Jul-2013 18:18
He tried to eat the cat but the cat resisted. Yes he snores. Thank you all, for viewing and commenting.
Barry Ailetcher19-Jul-2013 19:01
did he eat the cat? neat shot
Graham P 18-Jul-2013 09:41
Captured in an excellent position and with great clarity for all to enjoy the scene.
Paul Milholland17-Jul-2013 05:01
Really nice result from a cell phone cam.
Bea.17-Jul-2013 03:00
A case of dog napping here, does he snore?
Walt 17-Jul-2013 00:29
sleepy head - very nice textures and colors
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