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not lunch.jpg

Nikon D300
1/200s f/7.1 at 65.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 12-Oct-2010 19:32
Very sweet!
Guest 08-Oct-2010 00:00
just precious!
Barry Ailetcher07-Oct-2010 19:14
very neat shot a live rag dog
fotabug07-Oct-2010 15:58
Bea.07-Oct-2010 07:16
What a lovely shot of doggy friends.
Guest 07-Oct-2010 06:07
Rosemary Woods07-Oct-2010 05:02
What a beautiful shot in every way, Bryle! You should have this published!
Rev. Kelly Todd07-Oct-2010 03:53
no Byrle, he is not lunch... he is not beg enough. He is just snack size! LOL
paplvr07-Oct-2010 03:44
Awwww, hope the other half of his jaw isn't on the other side of the little dog, ha ha. Very sweet!!!!!! Linda S
Ruth Voorhis07-Oct-2010 02:26
This is really sweet, Byrle. Lovely shot.
Laura Milholland07-Oct-2010 02:24
Sweet shot, Byrle. They make quite a pair.
Paul Milholland07-Oct-2010 02:10
Reminds me of the classic "Get Fuzzy" cartoon where Rob is reminding Bucky the cat that SAtchel the dog is "not a chew toy." ;-)
Guest 07-Oct-2010 01:41
Awwwwww Bryle, thats soooooooo cute
Guest 07-Oct-2010 01:25
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