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13-MAR-2005 Wanda Bates


Wanda's first photo...I picture a day of me for a year.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/160s f/5.0 at 57.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Shaley 19-Oct-2006 04:47
That's a great picture! Bill is a handsome man!
Monte Dodge03-Aug-2006 06:30
voted... Hey Wanda, Bill has as good of taste in Camera's as he does in women!!
Guest 25-Jun-2006 17:02
Great shot Wanda, and Bill, thanks for explaing some of the photo setup. You guys have a great eye for light. I find myself relying on artificial light to much
Naomi 29-Mar-2006 14:12
Nice SP, and great lens.
Robin Reid05-Apr-2005 23:56
Great shot Wanda.
Wm. Bates17-Mar-2005 05:48
You should all know by now that it wont take ME wanting to get into photography for Bill to get his new wizbang, fancy lens. . .what is it he wants? A canon 300 something or another F28 thing-a-ma-jig?

Guest 15-Mar-2005 09:42
Thanks Bill, yes you have mentioned this method before. I need to try and remember this out in the field especially as you’ve shown how effective it can be. Lighting seems to be one of the hardest things to grasp and I know I’m not very good with it. I tend to use flash only as a last resort, in desperation almost because I know that most of the time it will be crap but I really want the shot. I’m also somewhat limited by the Dimage flash shoe being non standard so I can only use the built in flash at the moment.
Before digital, I used an Olympus OM2 with a 50mm f/1.2 lens and could use natural light ½ an hour after everyone else got their flash out, so I didn’t give the subject much time. Are there any web tutorials on the subject that you could recommend?
Wm. Bates14-Mar-2005 13:51

Your pretty observant. I'm standing in the shadow of a small tree trunk. The sun is behind me. I'm facing a red cliff face which is reflecting back a nice warm light. It is taken in the same spot as this photo I'm standing maybe 10 feet from the fence Wanda is sitting on in the photo. I often try to find natural reflectors like cliffs, buildings and banks of snow.
Guest 14-Mar-2005 12:04
A bit of collusion going on here ‘tween Bill and Wes methinks. Don’t you take any notice Wanda.
Btw I think that’s a fine picture [considering the subject matter – joking!] and I’d like to ask about your lighting. White natural light from the left and warm flood to the right? Or sunlight off a gold reflector maybe? Help me out I’m guessing wildly here. I thought at first it was warm sunlight on Bills face, then noticed the shadow of the camera strap on his neck. Pretty effective however it was done.
Guest 14-Mar-2005 11:33
Wow that's a BIG lens..nice shot!
Wm. Bates14-Mar-2005 05:19
She could do what I would do. She could buy the Canon EF 300mmf/2.8 L IS and give it to me for my 50th birthday; so, she could use it whenever she wanted. I hear it is the very best kitty cat lens for the 10D.
Wesley Aston14-Mar-2005 05:10
I think her first lens should be a 300 f2.8, that would take excellent kittie shots. hint hint
Jim McKinlock14-Mar-2005 04:48
Nicely done Wanda. If you want to learn to shoot photo's of people a PAD of Bill sounds in order. That's the line he used on you isn't it?
Wm. Bates14-Mar-2005 04:14
She was using a Canon 24-70mmf/2.8 L; but, don't ask her because I'm not sure she knows one lens from another at this point.
James Lundy14-Mar-2005 04:11

I think you did a real nice job. Keep going.

P.S. Keep the lens pointed at Bill for awhile.
John Buffin14-Mar-2005 04:01
So what lens was Wanda using for her shot of you?