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suse | all galleries >> Photo-a-Day(ish) >> pad_year_2 > 3rd October 2006
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3rd October 2006

I've processed another version of this shot, in the PAD Xtra gallery.
I'm not sure which I prefer.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 16-Nov-2006 05:01
half pic one gallery,I like it
Guest 16-Oct-2006 22:35
This one is the best - inspired :)
Guest 16-Oct-2006 16:57
Very cool - like looking at two 6x6 shots side by side.
Guest 04-Oct-2006 01:06
I haven't looked at the other but this one is exceptional.
Guest 04-Oct-2006 00:25

This is nice.
Guest 03-Oct-2006 20:57
great one! love it. voted.
Silvia Roitman03-Oct-2006 20:37
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